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USE ATTACHED TO FUTHER INTO THIS ASSIGNTMENT Part II- Background and Literature Review- 5-7 pages on its own without including the reference/work cited page Contextualize the topic by describing the problem What is the problem?                                               i.    Describe your topic (i.e. problem) Has it gotten worse or better? increased/decreased over time?                                             ii.    What is the morbidity and mortality […]

Equipment acquisition is a major part of financial management. This

Equipment acquisition is a major part of financial management. This will require a little research on your part. I want you to research a medical equipment device of your choice and answer the questions below. This will help you begin to work through what you need to think about when purchasing new equipment. This applies […]

This 24×7 article discusses writing a Medical Equipment

This 24×7 article discusses writing a Medical Equipment Management Plan (MEMP). Please use it as a reference as you write your own. to an external site.)  ***Notes: For Weeks 4 through 6, you will be developing 3x different associated sections of your MEMP. Their combination will lead to completing your final project, which is due […]

Public Health 1- Describe why you are interested in these topics

Public Health 1- Describe why you are interested in these topics (Covid 19 – Food Safety – Climate Change – Access to Healthcare). 2- Briefly state why this is a critical issue to the population and in the field of public health. 3- Find reputable sources – provide the correct citations and a description of […]