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6-1 Discussion: Reality Therapy  Please view Todd’s video clip #1and Todd’s video clip #2. After viewing, answer these questions: What are the key

6-1 Discussion: Reality Therapy 

Please view Todd’s video clip #1and Todd’s video clip #2.

After viewing, answer these questions:

  1. What are the key characteristics of reality therapy that distinguish it from other therapy approaches?
  2. What is the role of the client/therapist relationship from the reality therapist’s point of view?
  3. What possible advantage do you see in focusing on Todd’s behavior rather than his feelings or his thoughts?
  4. What are some reality therapy techniques used with Todd in his therapy session?
  5. What goals would you have in mind for Todd?
  6. How important is making a plan and developing a commitment to carrying it out to bringing about changes the client wants? Explain.

Please include in your answer some of the following “reality therapy” terminology: punishment, choice theory, reasonable consequences, total behavior, involvement, personal responsibility, autonomy, present behavior, self-evaluation, past successes, basic human needs, value judgments, action plan, “paining” behavior, commitment, perceived world, “no excuses.”

Please be sure to ask questions and comment on your peers’ responses, and respond to their questions and comments regarding your own response.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

link to video

link To video two

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