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A 16-year-old report to the local family planning clinic with concern

A 16-year-old report to the local family planning clinic with concern regarding pregnancy. She relates she had unprotected intercourse 2 nights ago and believes she may be “fertile”. She wants to learn more about the “morning after pill”.

1. What additional information should you obtain from her?

2. What do you know about emergency contraception and the side effects?

3. What educational points should you provide to her?


1. The student identifies 3 risk factors of the “morning-after pill” or IUD that would affect a woman taking this form on contraception and also discusses the effectiveness and how it should be taken.

2. Using the 3 side effects the student discusses the nursing interventions to manage all 3 of the side effects that the student chose to discuss.

3. Minimum of 3 scholarly articles. References are included in text AND in the reference page, and the body of the paper is at least 500 words excluding cover page and references.

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As a medical professor, it is important to provide accurate information and guidance to students regarding emergency contraception. In this scenario, a 16-year-old has reported to a family planning clinic with concerns about pregnancy and wants to learn more about the morning after pill. This answer will address the additional information that should be obtained from her, what is known about emergency contraception and its side effects, and the key educational points that should be provided.

1. What additional information should you obtain from her?
Additional information that should be obtained from the 16-year-old includes her last menstrual period, the date of the unprotected intercourse, any medication she may be taking, or any history of allergies. This information will help determine whether emergency contraception is necessary and the best type of contraception for her.

The student should also be asked about her medical history, including any previous pregnancies, and any previous experience using contraception. This will help identify any potential risks associated with emergency contraception use, such as ectopic pregnancy or the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

2. What do you know about emergency contraception and the side effects?
Emergency contraception is a method of birth control that can be used after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. It includes the use of the morning-after pill or the insertion of a copper intrauterine device (IUD). The morning-after pill is taken orally and contains high doses of hormones, primarily progestin, that prevent ovulation or fertilization of an egg.

Like any medication, emergency contraception can have side effects. The most commonly reported side effects of the morning after pill include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and abdominal pain. These symptoms typically resolve within a few hours and do not cause any serious health problems.

Less common side effects include irregular bleeding, breast tenderness, and fatigue. There is also a small risk of an ectopic pregnancy if the morning-after pill fails to prevent pregnancy.

3. What educational points should you provide to her?
It is important to educate the 16-year-old on emergency contraception and its effectiveness. Emergency contraception is most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, ideally within 72 hours. Women who are overweight or obese may require higher doses of medication to achieve the same level of effectiveness.

The student should also be informed that emergency contraception does not provide protection against sexually transmitted infections and that regular contraception should be used to prevent pregnancy in the long term.

Finally, it is important to discuss the potential side effects of emergency contraception and encourage the student to seek medical attention if any symptoms persist or worsen.

As a medical professor, it is important to provide accurate information and guidance to students about emergency contraception. This answer discussed the additional information that should be obtained from a patient, what is known about emergency contraception and its side effects, and the key educational points that should be provided. By providing this information, medical students will be better equipped to counsel patients on the use of emergency contraception.

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