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Designing Elements for a Gondola/Chairlift Transportation System

Basic requirements for all assignments (papers not meeting these basic requirements will not be
• Before you arrive to class on the due date, all papers must be emailed from your school
email address. Include the name of the assignment within
the email subject heading.
• All papers need to include a cover page, formal outline, in-body citations, reference
page and written in APA format (font, spacing, margins, citation/source format etc…)
o Refer to for APA formatting
Project 2: Designing Elements for a Gondola/Chairlift Transportation System
(Due Date:
th, beginning of class)
Researching and composing international case studies for designing at the local level using
modern and sustainable best-practices is a task for professional designers.
The City and County of San Diego have Climate Action Plans calling for the lowering of CO2
emissions. Aiming to lower emissions and make quality of life improvements/adaptations to the
current public transportation systems is a major part of the plans.
Examine gondola and chairlift systems which are used for public transportation in other
international cities. Design a realistic gondola/chairlift transportation system for the San Diego
region using your own innovative approach and incorporating best global practices.
Architecture Students: Design public gondola/chairlift stations.
Design Students: Design the individual gondola compartments and chairs for the chairlifts.
Select a couple existing international gondola/chairlift transportation systems used in urban
settings. Using Google Earth/Maps, explore the gondola systems within the cities. Examine their
architecture, form and use of public space.
How, specifically, are these transportation systems benefitting the particular cities where they
exist? What were the obstacles getting them established and what are the current problems? How
are they being powered? How are they being paid for? How large are the cities they are serving?
What percentage of the people have access? What percentage of users are commuters/locals
versus tourists?
San Diego Climate Action Plans:
SD County:
City of SD:
Your research about the existing systems and how they can be translated into a sustainable
system for San Diego should take into account: current population size and predicted population
growth, local economy, natural resources, building materials, area concerns (pollution, natural
concerns), water sources, waste management, natural features of the environment (design flow
with nature), potential natural disasters, historical, cultural, and economic aspects.
Include ALL if the following:
● Well-designed Cover page
● Formal Outline
● Reference page
● AT LEAST 4 written pages (APA format)
● About 10 screenshots using Google Earth or Google Maps
● About 6-10 original renderings
● Consider the following outline:
o Cover Page with title, name, class information, nice image representing the
o Formal Outline of the document
bicycle/scooter parking, taxi-shared vehicle pick-up, and commuter lots. Take into
account local infrastructure, connecting to pre-existing transportation systems,
drainage, waste management, energy sources, and public funding. Please discuss
how your design and its main features would benefit the system’s users, local
communities and the SD metro region.
o Other Design students: Designing the individual gondolas, chairs and giant
support pillars for the systems. Consider safety, weather, weight, number of
passengers, speed, efficiency, interior and exterior features, and aesthetics. Take
into account local infrastructure, connecting to pre-existing transportation
systems, drainage, waste management, energy sources, and public funding. Please
discuss how your design and its main features would benefit the system’s users,
local communities and the SD metro region.
● Screenshots: Using Google Earth or Google Maps take screenshots of the case study
sites at the country level, state, city, and neighborhood levels. Take a few additional
screenshots at the “street view” level. Consider screenshots of how the gondola systems
in your case studies interact with the local housing, parks, public common areas. (About
10 total screenshots)
(Take a screenshot by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Print buttons at same time or some computers
have a “print screen” button. Paste your image into the art software of your choice, edit
and save as a .jpg.)
● Original Renderings: Software suggestions for rendering your designs- Google
Sketchup, AutoCAD,
Write-up must include:
● APA Formatting (correct font, spacing, margins, in-body citations, reference page)
● Nicely Designed Cover page with title, name, year of your schooling and major (example:
rd Year Architecture), date, class, instructor, nice image representing the project (not
included in 4 written minimum pages)
● Formal Outline of paper
● Mention why you chose the particular case study areas
● Summary of case study area’s regions using mostly primary sources (census report data)
and secondary sources with good reputations (journaled articles/architecture books)
● Details of design: layout, features, local materials used, alternative forms of energy
● Environmental concerns: climate, hazardous natural elements
● Justification of your design speaking to human/environmental elements,
practicality/function, sustainability
Renderings must include:
● Views- All 4 exterior sides of structure, 1 exterior birds-eye view of entire layout; interior
floor plan. Use labels when appropriate.
Grading based on (1-10):
● Quality of Write-up (Spelling, grammar, logic)
● Demonstration of Critical Thought skills
● Wealth of background information about global case studies with attention to
environment, history and demographics
● Sustainable design: local materials, alternative forms of energy
● Environmental Concerns: climate, hazardous natural elements
● Human Design (Historical, Cultural) Aspects
● Aesthetics/Detail
● Originality/Function/Innovation
● Quality of Screenshots
● Quality of Renderings

#Designing #Elements #GondolaChairlift #Transportation #System

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