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Hello, I need help with the response to 2 peers on a discussion: When responding to your peers, acknowledge a statement that resonates with you in their

Hello, I need help with the response to 2 peers on a discussion:

When responding to your peers, acknowledge a statement that resonates with you in their personal experience and ask a question about their approach.

Peer 1

The actional best practice I chose to help promote diversity and equity is to institute mandatory training for persons serving on interview panels or candidate search committees. Training objectives can include “unconscious bias and the implications of making judgments on a person…based on details unrelated to job performance and work ethic.” (Singleton, 2022) Education to the team that is recruiting and interviewing for the positions would be a great start in promoting diversity as well as them having a better understanding of their own unconscious bias. The training will likely also provide education on some general social norms of other cultures such as social distance differences among different cultures to help them be more understanding if someone is standing really close and touching their arm while talking or someone that stands off a little more. This insight can help them understand that these types of behaviors may be their norm and not a sign of discomfort or a lack of professionalism. These small things can help these candidates move further through the interviewing process. Incorporating overall company diversity training is just as beneficial, but to get started, this is a great spot to begin.  

The least professional communication I have encountered would be the lack of communication all together. I have had a boss who would simply not respond to a question or concern. I work in home healthcare and I have had questions on operation processes to confirm a service failure was addressed and to know the proper process moving forward to avoid it happening again. There was no response. I’m not sure if they felt it was not worth following up, or if they felt it was an attack on their system that I was not educated on, but my concern was not addressed. That is not only unprofessional, but a terrible way to communicate with your staff. I left there with a feeling that they were just really unorganized, or my questions did not matter and that I am not a valuable member of the team. I would suggest a time frame on all follow up communication. Either from outside sources such as referral sources and patients, and internal sources such as staff members. 

My current primary method of communication is email. I enjoy email for several reasons such as, the receiver may read it within a reasonable time but without interrupting what they are working on when you are sending it. I also like it because it allows you to reference the communication in the future if the email has a lot of information. My communication methods might differ such as in collecting information, I might email to send a list of what is needed so they may gather it and respond when they are ready. If I am setting up a meeting to discuss their finances, I might make a personal call to discuss a good time and anything additional they wanted to ask or discuss that wasn’t included in the email. Phone calls are much more personable and allows for more information to be exchanged timely that will also have some personality perceived to gauge someone’s comfort level within the question.  For the final financial review, I would like to do in person, when possible, but will opt for a Zoom meeting if in person is difficult to coordinate. 

Peer 2:

Paragraph 1 Actionable Best Practices: The actionable practice I selected is the implementation of inclusive and clear communication, marketing, and awareness campaigns aimed at attracting diverse talent to the accounting profession. By making sure that messages are customized to appeal to a variety of audiences, this approach may greatly enhance professional communications in general. Organizations may produce more engaging and accessible communications that promote understanding and cooperation across diverse backgrounds and viewpoints by prioritizing inclusion and clarity. This improves communication efficacy generally and fosters a more welcoming and encouraging work the environment. 

Paragraph 2 Personal Experience with Business Communication: When considering back on my college experiences, a group project partner was the one who communicated with me in a business setting the least. Effective collaboration was hampered by the hurriedly prepared message’s vague directions, dismissive tone, and imprecise instructions. I would advise employing kind and respectful language, organizing communications with specific goals in mind, and making sure all pertinent information is included in order to improve this communication. Professional and polished interactions can also result from actively seeking feedback and making revisions to communication in response to suggestions. Using proper salutations and sign-offs, creating messages with a clear purpose, and editing for errors before sending are examples of best practices. 

Paragraph 3 Ways to Approach Communication: The way I engage changes according on the channel. I place a premium on timely updates and conversations on platforms like Teams or Slack while still speaking in an appropriate and succinct manner. I make an effort to be professional and clear in my emails, making sure they are error-free and well-structured. I put a lot of emphasis on vocal clarity and attentive listening in Zoom virtual meetings, and I make sure to treat each person with respect. I am aware of how crucial it is to modify client communications according to the subject and target audience. For instance, I would take a more tailored and thorough approach to tax planning for a long-term customer, but I would put more of an emphasis on developing a relationship and making sure that all the important information is provided while I was collecting information from a new client.

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