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Jazz artists comparison

Paper should be 5-7 pages; compare an Jazz artist from 1959 with a Jazz artist today; follow the Tune! compare different approaches to the same song -for example Round Midnight with Monk and Miles Davis; Jazz and Social Responsibility – Reaction to Civil Rights struggle compare several artists from the period • Jazz and Race […]

Artists who work in the same style (from the time period of the artist

Choose any artist that interests you. Below is an artist list but these are only suggestions; you do not have to choose an artist on this list. Please make sure you can find enough information about your artist to complete the paper. Please consider the following information. Each artist will have different information. These topics […]

African retention in the music styles or artists

will consist of a four page paper focusing on African retention (i.e. rhythms, harmony, melody, dance, etc.…) in at least two of the styles or artists we have discussed in the first half of the semester. Be specific and detailed in your discussion. Sight examples from compositions, books or articles to substantiate your arguments and […]