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History of Black Architects

 Formal architecture education in the United States began with the establishment of the first archi-tecture program in 1867 at MIT, and began instruction in architecture in the fall of 1868 with four students enrolled. This program was also significant for another important first. In 1892, MIT gradu-ated the first black architecture student to be educated […]

Key Concept Exercise: Inside the ‘black box’

 What can HR and other organisational leaders do to study the link between HRM and business performance? This ‘black box’, as it is often called, resists easy explanation. In the case of HR policy, how policies are formulated, aligned with business strategy, operationalised and implemented ought to have a significant impact on business performance. The […]

Black Female Representation

What is the main purpose of the article/video? (State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose/goal/intent; What is he/she attempting to explain, highlight, etc. in the article/video?) What are two key question(s) the author/producer is addressing? (Figure out the key question(s) in the mind of the author/producer when s/he wrote/produced the article/video.) What are the […]

Literacy Arguement: Incarceration of Black Men vs Court/Law

 What truths does Ernest Gaines convey in A Lesson Before Dying that are still relevant today? Write an essay that identifies Mass incarceration of black men ( Innocent Jefferson v.s Court/Law) in A Lesson Before Dying that is still relevant today, referring to “Black Men: The Crisis Continues” By Muwakkil, Salim . Must support your […]

Black Studies

What does it mean to be West Indian? How do West Indian’s identify themselves and do they relate to the African Diaspora? You must use your textbook and the articles I assigned to answer this question. You can also use these videos to help you answer these questions. Your answer must be 500-1000 words and […]

Reflection paper: Typed, double-spaced, black ink, 2-4 pages. Include

Reflection paper: Typed, double-spaced, black ink, 2-4 pages. Include in your   discussion  a) What you have learned about yourself from this assignment.  b) What kinds of people are successful in the health career you are considering (Nursing) c) Your self-reflection on how well-suited you are for this career and if you are on track […]

Black Robe Movie Review

 Instructions Choose two questions from Group A and one question from Group B. Each question needs to be answered in a full-length paragraph. Questions from Group A need to have specific examples drawn from the film (you can incorporate plot points, dialogue, costuming, scenery, lighting, etc). Questions from Group B need to compare the film […]

Black equality in America.

1. Write an essay that analyzes the representation of Africa in any number of the works we have read in the first six weeks of class. Consider how each author in your study represents Africa to advance if not an anti-slavery message, then a message advocating for black equality in America. Your essay should be […]

Black Community

Reflecting on this year’s recent Midterm elections, and the value of the right to vote, you will engage the Black community’s history of fighting for voting rights. The film below is a part of the Black Community’s push for representation with the Mississippi Democratic Freedom Party. Write a 1 page, double spaced reflection paper on […]

Black History: What Have You Learned?

Black History: What Have You Learned? (1) Please Google and read any recent article published in February 2019 that talks about Black History or Black Achievements in honor and/of Black History month (2) Please Note: The article should highlight the positivity or greatness of Black Culture. (3) Please provide the author, the name of the […]