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Surgical environment: Describe potential diseases that may occur with

The transmission of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses) and antibiotic resistant microorganisms poses a significant risk for the surgical patient. It is imperative for each perioperative nurse to understand how these microorganisms can be spread to the patient in the perioperative setting and the measures surgical team members must take to prevent the spread of infection. This […]

Chronic Disease ManagementChoose one of the following chronic diseases

Chronic Disease ManagementChoose one of the following chronic diseases to address in this component: Hypertension Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diabetes Mellitus type 2 Childhood AsthmaComplete the following: Detail the population including who the members are, contributing causes, past medical history, family/genetic components. Evaluate the population including size, seriousness of disease, special needs, etc. Assess the […]

Infectious diseases come with extremely tough challenges to mitigate

Infectious diseases come with extremely tough challenges to mitigate them and then finally get them under control. Bringing any such infectious disease under control involves a lot of decisions and cooperation between various branches of government and the health services.Using the Internet, choose an infectious disease that was prevalent in the United States and had […]

Genetically inherited diseases

 Biology term paper format – 15 pages – the margins of the paper will be 1 inch on each side and top and bottom – the font must be 12 – the number of references for the paper must be 15 – the bibliography Willa be composed of appropriate refrences, which are texts, periodical (magazines), […]

Diseases of the Skeletal System and show in x-rays including

 Paper must be with 1″ Margins, done in 12 point font Times New Roman Minimum of 3 sources from any source – Newspaper, Journals, Books, Periodicals, interview etc. Must provide a print out of all sources when your paper is handed in. Follow the AMA writing handout. Paper should contain 5 to 6 pages of […]