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Political Humor

 One–Political Humor English 1C Essay One Nothing’s Serious if Nothing’s Funny For the first essay your task is to think critically about comedic (parodies or satires) and “straight” depictions of the current political situation. You will use a variety of skills covered in class—making inferences, analyzing media imagery, identifying audience and purpose, and understanding and […]

Finding humor on twians stories the notorious jumping frog of

In an essay entitled “how to tell a story,” twain wrote: “the humorous story may be spun out to great length, and may wander around as much as it pleases,and arrive nowhere in particular…. it is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects there is anythhing […]

architecture & humor

An argumentative essay. It’s on humorous architecture. ….chose Antoni Gaudi and the cathedral known as La Sagrada Familia (still under construction today). We have to write about the architect. Find info about the building, time it was built. The significance, now and at the time it was Built. Include works cited: any articles about the architect and […]