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USA Immigration (2 pgs) and American Social values (2Pgs)

These essays have to be APA format. 2 Pages each subject including reference / bibliography. The following questions must be addressed: 1- Describe the social problem/issue/concept that is being addressed. 2- What is the perspective of the author ? 3- If there two or more articles/chapters/documents: Compare and Contrast the documents. How are they similar? […]

Immigration in Europe

This will be a showcase of your individual interests in 20th century europe. for any of you who may not have worked on a wiki before, it is basically a web page, or a collection of pages, on a specific topic that allows multiple people to edit it. just scroll through the list of names […]

Social Reform and Child Labor, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity

Written Assignment: (Goals 1,2,3; Core Goals 1,2,3,4,5) What were some of the historical causes of and consequences of American immigration? What were some of the specific techniques that Hine used to humanize his subjects and stimulate efforts toward social reform? Choose either child labor or the working conditions of adult immigrants and discuss a minimum […]

Immigration issues: Features of an evaluation essay.

A sufficiently described topic. You should describe your topic in some detail, in accordance with what you think your audience should know. You should provide enough information to let the audience accept your judgment. A judgment. You must assert yourself by making a strong claim of value. This claim of value will be your thesis […]

How Immigration Became Illegal by Aviva Chomsky

Book summary Title of book: Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal by Aviva Chomsky This is an individual assignment to help you reflect and know what you learned from the book. It is a 1-2 page book summary. The book is simply one point of view and a starting point for your project. Your interviews and […]

How Italian immigrants and native-born Americans viewed immigration

Requires consideration of how Italian immigrants and native-born Americans viewed immigration restriction debates in the 1920s. You must consider how immigrant experiences of global migration and acculturation shaped their views. This paper also asks to evaluate how international events shaped the debate over immigration restriction in the 1920s. This paper will be evaluated based on […]

Illegal Immigration

 Let’s talk about immigration and how immigration related to some of the things we will discuss in this class for example race, religion, and social class. Lately, we have been hearing a lot about “illegality” what it means to be legal. think back to the week we talked about language and connect it to this […]

Examining Myths about Immigration and Education

Description In his research, Richard Rothstein found that during the immigration period from 1880 to 1915, few Americans succeeded in school, least of all immigrants; immigrants of all backgrounds did poorly. Instead, it was the children and grandchildren of European immigrants who fared well in school, but the myth that first-generation immigrants “made it,” at […]

Discuss whether and how such wall could help regulate immigration into

One of the key election promises of the current US President was building a wall along the US border with Mexico. Discuss whether and how such wall could help regulate immigration into the United States. A: STRUCTURE: Introduction- framing the answer and giving the reader a short summary of the argument and how you have […]

How the U.S Government can Better Handle the Immigration Issue

 1. Identify a specific, significant, arguable issue: how can government better handle illegal immigration? 2. Explain the controversy surrounding the issue: how can government better handle illegal immigration? Indicate the larger conversation to which you’re responding (“they say”) Provide a thesis that previews what you will discuss in the proposal (“I say”), and answer the […]