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Acute Joint Inflammation

 Case Study: Rheumatoid Arthritis Mr. Y is a 47 year old, mixed race [Asian/African ethnicity], male patient who presented to your office with severe right great toe pain. Onset of the pain was 2 days ago. Mr. Y denies any known trauma to his right foot or his great toe on that foot. His right […]

International Joint Ventures: The implications of the type of joint

International Joint Venture module Assingment. The assignment is based on In Module exercise.Where we can either collaborate with either one of the European based companies on the basis of most suitable offer The Question details is as follow Select one of the European Companies (EM or HC) featured in the module Collaboration Exercise. From the […]

Case Study: Acute Joint Inflammation

Case Study Mr. Y is a 47 year old, mixed race [Asian/African ethnicity], male patient who presented to your office with severe right great toe pain. Onset of the pain was 2 days ago. Mr. Y denies any known trauma to his right foot or his great toe on that foot. His right great toe […]