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Depends on the country the writer chooses (e.g. Political Economy And

This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to apply some key concepts from this course in a real world context. Specifically, you are required to select a country of your choice, review the country’s political economy (political, economic and legal systems) from a reputable data source such as the CIA Wold Factbook ( […]

Political commercials and the effect

 Today, many of the political commercials we see are paid for by special interest groups or political action committees. Using the Museum of the Moving Image – The Living Room Candidate (, review three different political commercials from the different categories (Backfire; Biographical; Children; Commander in Chief; Documentary; Fear; or Real People) and write a […]

Write about Political Science Theories

Writing in the Social Sciences Theory Response Essay Background: The study of human beings can be a messy business. As a result, social scientists do not generally establish fixed laws or argue for absolute truths. Instead, research is based on theories of human behavior and human systems. These theories must do two things: They must […]

The Political Classroom

Read the articles and answer the flowing questions. Each question should have one long paragraph or two short paragraphs. 1. How is a partisan classroom different from a political one in The Political Classroom. Support your answer with direct citations. Can you think of comments you or other teachers have made about politics or political […]

Why Study Political Science?

Why Study Political Science? Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: • Textbook: Chapter 1, 2 • Lesson • Additional scholarly sources you identify through your own research Initial Post Instructions Identify why students should learn about political science. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, […]