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Movie, book, TV show, radio show review

You must choose a movie, book, TV show, radio show, popular Internet site, or other contemporary media text to review for this assignment. Write your review as if it were to be appear in some popular, journalistic media source (e.g., the entertainment section of a daily newspaper, Variety magazine, TV Guide, a media column in […]

Show the problemsin defining justice as explored throughout Bk. I of

It turns out some cliches are true. This is especially the case when it comes to writing and the adage “good writing shows, it doesn’t tell.” This paper is going to ask you to show the problemsin defining justice as explored throughout Bk. I of Plato’s Republic. You’ll want to recreate the argument for each […]

Criminal Justice Applications Presentation Slide Show,

Develop a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides, Esri, etc.) identifying three special issues in criminal justice today. You can focus on chapters 15, 16, 17, and 18 in the textbook to assist you in identifying a special issue. Make sure to provide your rationale of their importance to the criminal justice system. Also, summarize […]

Diseases of the Skeletal System and show in x-rays including

 Paper must be with 1″ Margins, done in 12 point font Times New Roman Minimum of 3 sources from any source – Newspaper, Journals, Books, Periodicals, interview etc. Must provide a print out of all sources when your paper is handed in. Follow the AMA writing handout. Paper should contain 5 to 6 pages of […]