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Enterprise Startup vs Growth

 1) Type: Individual 2) Cover page: No cover page 3) Body: 2-5 pages double space 12 points Arial or equivalent, 1-inch margins all around 4) Heading: The heading is one line that contains: Assignment title (“Individual Hw-1”), your name, due date (heading is part of the 1-inch margin) 5) Content: note that in some cases […]

Reflections of Classroom Start-Up Plan

you will answer the following questions about the Classroom Start-Up Plan: what you learned the most about; found the most helpful; were the most thought provoking; and/or believe are the strongest in your plan. Lastly, describe how you plan to implement this plan in your classroom and how it will impact student learning. Use the […]

Explore the work of a transformative entrepreneur or startup,

Assessment Students will work individually towards a 2200-3000 word essay to be submitted by 21 March 2019, 4pm. This essay is a summative form of assessment and will comprise 100% of the final mark. The essay will focus on one of two tasks chosen by the student: 1)    Case Study: explore the work of a transformative entrepreneur or […]