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Students will demonstrate knowledge of interviewing skills, the

Students will demonstrate knowledge of interviewing skills, the components of a health history, recording the history data, and assigning three priorities after reviewing the data. A health history will be completed and submitted according to the grading rubric and course schedule. Students will submit a detailed subjective health history of a volunteering adult over 50 […]

1. Who are the students with whom you work? 2.

1. Who are the students with whom you work? 2. What are the particular learning strengths and challenges faced by your students? 3. How is your classroom organized for instruction, in accordance to your students’ varied learning needs? 4. How does the students data impact your instructional support in your unit plan? 5. What pre-assessments did you use to understand your students strengths and challenges?  INSTRUCTION: Please […]

College students’ major related to their future jobs

• Introduction with the research question • Literature Review with at least three citations from frequently cited academic articles or books • Methods (include fieldwork and interview protocols) This is an individual assignment, and you are the sole author of the qualitative research paper. • Write a literature review on this topic with at least […]

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize students with health

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize students with health reform strategies adopted by states. Students will select a state health policy reform innovation and describe the rationale, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. Students should […]

While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their

While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone project change proposal, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project. A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as […]

read the first section of Academic Integrity: A Message to My Students

In order to complete the first essay, you must read the first section of Academic Integrity: A Message to My Students written by Professor Bill Taylor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and read file 1. To access the documents, click the titles. After you have finished reading, respond to the following […]

Examine in detail how both students (Yako and Juan) and teacher

The following is taken from Guadalupe Valdés’ educational and linguistic ethnography Learning and Not Learning English (2001), a book that focuses on the lives and experiences—both in and out of class—of four Mexican immigrant children in a California middle school.     Among the myriad data she collected for this study, Dr. Valdés uses samples and […]

Texting While stressed: Implications for Students Burnout, sleep and

Directions for the paper After you have located this article, you will write a 2 page paper summarizing (not plagiarizing!!!): 1.) Why the researchers are interested in this subject. 2.) What the researchers hypotheses are 3.) What methods were used to answer their question 4.) Their overall conclusions of the study. 5.) You are also […]

Underrepresented Students in U.S. Study Abroad Programs

Underrepresented Students in U.S. Study Abroad Programs  Paper details 1. Introduction (roadmap to essay, proper thesis, & clarity) 15 (5pts per each) 2.Structure (flow between paragraphs and sections, development of an argument) 20 (10 pts per each) 3. Conclusion (bookending, linking back to thesis/introduction, suggests new avenues for research or policy) 15 (5 pts per […]