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I. Evaluation A. Summarize the most significant 

I. Evaluation A. Summarize the most significant  strengths and weaknesses of the not-for-profit organization. B. Evaluate the organization’s long-term  sustainability under the current operational strategies, considering how the major strengths and weaknesses of this organization factor into its sustainability. II. Conclusion: Summarize your position on the organization’s long-term sustainability, including suggestions for the organization to support future sustainability. […]

Briefly summarize the organization’s values. What principles guide the

How to Succeed in Assignment #1 #1: Follow all of the instructions! #2: It’s okay to quote the mission/ vision/ purpose of the organization, but it is important to connect those statements with the organization’s goals. #3: Similar to hint #2, it’s okay to quote the values of the organization, but they should be connected […]

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750-1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following: Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice. Discuss the direct influence […]

Summarize the attitudes, customs and beliefs that are unique to this

Select a culture that you identify yourself with or one that interests you. This will serve as the “target culture” for this assignment. One purpose of this assignment is to help you become aware of your own culture and how it influences your perceptions, actions and behaviors related to your everyday life. Write a two […]

Briefly summarize the history of mental illness in America B. Describe

Book tittle ” No One Cares About Crazy People” the Chaos and Heartbreak of Mental Health in America, by Ron Powers. A. Briefly summarize the history of mental illness in America B. Describe factors that contribute to the severity of Kevin’s illness and eventual suicide C. Characteristics that contribute to Dean’s resilience and survival D. […]

Summarize Descartes’ argument in the Second Meditation

Develop one argument in favor and one against Descartes’s “I think therefore I am” • Summarize Descartes’ argument in the Second Meditation • Provide an argument in favor of it • Provide an argument against it • Assess both Relate a movie of your choice to one of the theories studied • Briefly summarize the […]

summarize the case (Vance vs. Ball State University) and its decision

Write a paper summarizing the case (Vance vs. Ball State University) and its decision. In the paper, please discuss the impact on HR organizations, and any future implications, and finally, what is your opinion on the case? Is the final hearing justified? Remember to cite any references, in proper APA format. 2. I am looking […]


 In the final step of completing your organization profile, briefly summarize the organization’s financials for the past five years. For guidance on finding this information, see Business Research: Finding a Company’s Financial Information. What information do you need to assess the performance of your organization? (Financial data and tables can be attached in an appendix. […]