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Supply Chain Management (SCM)

 Using the two uploaded case studies from IKEA and Starbucks, here is the paper structure: • Introduction: Create a sophisticated, clear, and complete introduction to the agreed upon case studies. • Descriptions of the Organizations: The description of the organization of each case study shall be clearly and correctly presented with all applicable information. • […]

Six Sigma and Supply Chain Management

complete and essay in APA format with the topic below. • Title the thread according to the topic: (Six Sigma and Supply Chain Management) • In at least 550 words, discuss your topic by addressing the following items: o Explain the concept of the supply chain management topic selected. Your textbook is a good source […]

Supply Chain Management: LOG301 SLP1

Please begin by reading Anderson et al. (1997), with particular attention to their seven SCM principles. All of these will be covered in the following modules, if not in the same sequence as the authors. During this session long project, you will analyze a logistics firm such as UPS, FedEx, Maersk Line (ocean shipping), DHL […]

FBUY3411 Sourcing and Supply: Sustainable Global Sourcing Report

Overview:  To remain competitive fashion retailers need to ensure they not only develop commercial product, but ensure they deliver to the right place at the right time, profitably. To achieve this, retailers must develop an effective, sustainable supply chain for each product.   Task:  You will assume the role of a Buyer for a named […]

Supply Chain Management: Apply at least five (5) concepts from the

For this paper, select a company of your choice (any company), you need to identify, explain, and apply at least five (5) concepts from the course and supplement this information with information from the book in addition to using a minimum of five (5) additional outside sources for research. Wikis, Pedias, and Answer Pages are […]

Supply Chain Management: Sheffi’s Steps

Sheffi’s 6 Steps: Choose one of Sheffi’s 6 steps and explain in 2 pages how a supply chain manager could achieve improvements by adopting the practice. Communicate an excellent understanding of a Supply Chain by explaining in personal words and experience always using Supply Chain Management theory or concepts appropriately by connecting introduction with the […]

Supply Chain Management: Commodity Chain Analysis

Choose a commodity that you and other students use or consume on a regular basis that we have not already examined in this course (i.e. cellphones, coffee). Conduct research on the full life cycle of the commodity extraction or production of the raw materials / ingredients, labour process, transportation, distribution / marketing, disposal. There will […]

Identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts

Critical Thinking The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorties. To this purpose, you should review about these comnpies through secondry avilabe information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course . Suggest logistics performance priorties […]

Supply chain management: Critically analyse this particular supply

Study the attached business case*, and write a case study report addressing, but not limited by, the following 2 components: 1. Study the business case autonomously; from an as much theoretical perspective as possible, and base on the case facts and case history: a. Develop and articulate a general supply chain “conceptual model”, which best […]