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Part II- Background and Literature Review- 5-7 pages on its own without including the reference/work cited page

Contextualize the topic by describing the problem

  1. What is the problem?

                                              i.    Describe your topic (i.e. problem) Has it gotten worse or better? increased/decreased over time?

                                            ii.    What is the morbidity and mortality rates associated with it?

                                           iii.    Describe the public health relevance of your topic

  1. Who is it a particular problem for?
  2. Where is this problem happening?
  3. Why is it a problem?

                                              i.    Describe the risk factors

                                            ii.    Describe other contributory factors (i.e. poverty, politics, policies, environmental factors, societal beliefs, systematic racism, etc)?

                                           iii.    Why should your reader care about this issue?

                                           iv.    What is the economic cost?

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Introduction: In this assignment, we will be exploring a specific medical topic and providing background and literature review to contextualize the problem. We will be discussing the problem, its prevalence over time, morbidity and mortality rates, public health relevance, risk factors, contributory factors, and economic cost.

1. What is the problem?

The problem we will be discussing is the increasing prevalence of mental health disorders in the population. Mental health disorders have become a growing concern globally, affecting people of all ages, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1 in 4 people globally will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their life, with depression being the leading cause of disability worldwide.

i. Describe your topic (i.e. problem). Has it gotten worse or better? Increased/decreased over time?

Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of people experiencing mental health disorders globally. This increase can be attributed to various factors such as urbanization, changing cultural values, and socioeconomic changes. Mental health disorders have become a major public health problem, with the incidence and prevalence of common mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse increasing steadily over time.

ii. What are the morbidity and mortality rates associated with it?

Morbidity and mortality rates associated with mental health disorders vary depending on the specific disorder. For instance, depression is associated with a higher risk of mortality due to suicide, while substance abuse disorders and schizophrenia are associated with increased morbidity due to physical and social complications.

iii. Describe the public health relevance of your topic

The increasing prevalence of mental health disorders has significant public health relevance. It has been shown to lead to significant social and economic burdens due to decreased productivity, increased healthcare utilization, and decreased quality of life. Mental health disorders are an issue for every society, and it is important to understand the factors that contribute to their prevalence.

1. Who is it a particular problem for?
2. Where is this problem happening?
3. Why is it a problem?

i. Describe the risk factors

Several risk factors contribute to the prevalence of mental health disorders. These include biological factors such as genetics and neurochemical imbalances, environmental factors such as poverty, chronic stress, and lack of social support, and lifestyle factors such as substance abuse and unhealthy behaviors.

ii. Describe other contributory factors (i.e. poverty, politics, policies, environmental factors, societal beliefs, systematic racism, etc)?

Contributory factors such as poverty, politics, policies, environmental factors, societal beliefs, and systematic racism also play a significant role in the prevalence of mental health disorders. Poverty and social inequality are associated with higher rates of mental health disorders, while policies and politics can affect access to mental health care. Environmental factors such as exposure to pollution can also have a negative impact on mental health.

iii. Why should your reader care about this issue?

Mental health disorders can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. It is a significant public health concern with significant social and economic costs. Understanding the factors that contribute to the prevalence of mental health disorders is crucial for developing effective interventions and policies to address the problem.

iv. What is the economic cost?

Mental health disorders have a significant economic cost, with lost productivity and increased healthcare utilization being the primary factors contributing to the cost. The economic cost of untreated mental health disorders is estimated in the billions of dollars annually. Investments in mental health treatment and prevention have the potential to yield significant returns on investment in terms of healthcare costs and increased productivity.


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