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Rhetorical artifact: Evaluation is to consider what came before it,

The final assignment for this class is to take an event or rhetorical artifact (this could be something from the media or even a movie) and analyze it from a rhetorical perspective. To do so is to look at it critically and ask yourself why it is rhetorical and how. Evaluation is to consider what […]

M8A1 Research Project: Final Report

In this module, you will bring together all your work on the research project to write the final report. Review the research you did and your instructor’s comments on your project papers. In your research project final report, include the following: Overview of the organization—mission and strategy, products and services, internal and external environment Analysis […]

Reducing Violence in Healthcare

Assume that the example risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was developed by and is now currently implemented by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to present a high-level summary brief of this new risk management program to a group of administrative personnel from a newly created […]


Christopher A. Bartlett, Vincent Dessain, and Anders Sjöman) How should Marianne Barner have responded to the request for Ikea to have a representative appear on the broadcast of the German video program? What actions she should have taken concerning Ikea’s supply contract with Rangan Exports? What if any long-term strategies you would have recommended to […]

Describe the creative process as it applies to this group, discipline,

1. Select an individual – an artist, scientist, musician, writer, or other creative figure – and discuss his or her creative process. You should use primary materials, interviews, and secondary works to support your ideas. What factors contributed to their creative success? Can you identify any particular social or personal elements that may have been […]

What are the most recent ideas concerning the development and nature

3. Pick a historical period – Ancient Greece, Qing China, Modernism, the Renaissance – and describe the creative forces at work in that period. What factors helped to shape the creative production during that particular period? 4. Identify and discuss the latest research on creativity. What are the most recent ideas concerning the development and […]

COM210: Writing atWork Project#1:Innovation Informal Report The

For your first major project in this course, you will write an informal report addressing how an innovation from within the last 2-3 years could be applied to your unit or department at work. Your report must: • Be in the form of an informal report including heading and formatting elements  Be 600-1200 words long, […]

CHEG 325 Fundamentals of Nanotechnology

Scientist 1:   Name: Prof. Antonios Mikos   Affiliation: Departments of Bioengineering, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University, USA   Website:   Description of activities: Prof. Miko’s work focuses on nanostructured biomaterials, drug delivery systems, gene therapy, and tissue engineering. It emphasizes the use of synthetic biodegradable polymers and nanostructures as: ·         Supportive […]

Chemical weapons in War world I

This assignment is to create a 3-5 page (or 1,500 to 2,250 words) single-spaced, cited, research project proposal. Include at least two primary sources and six secondary sources. Use at least one source from our class readings. In order to complete this assignment, read the “Instructions 2019IntellectualVirtue” document in the start menu in Canvas in […]

Phil 66 paper assignments

How to Write   A classic:  William Strunk, The Elements of Style, is available free on-line at    How to do Footnotes and Bibliographies    Generally, very few if any students in this class know how to do footnotes or bibliographies.  Here’s a site that tells you how:   San Jose State Library Web Site […]